Derivation of MWR coefficients - adv/diff example
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sympy import *
Collocation method
a2, x, c, K = symbols('a2 x c K')
xc = 0.5 #collocation point
Ri = c*((1-a2)+2*a2*xc) - K*2*a2
a2 = solve(Ri, a2)
Least Squares method
Try to compute the functional form of the coefficient a2 using the symbolic math package following the example given above.
#a2, x, c, K = symbols('a2 x c K')
#Ri = ???
#Wi = diff(?,?)
#eq = integrate(Wi*Ri,(x,0,1))
#a2 = solve(eq, a2)
# hide: the code in this cell is hidden by the author
[6*K*c/(12*K**2 + c**2)]
Galerkin method
a2, x, c, K = symbols('a2 x c K')
#Ri = ???
#Wi = ???
#a2 = ???
# a2
# hide: the code in this cell is hidden by the author
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